Huebner-Onion Homestead
Stack-stone Barn at the Huebner-Onion Homestead and Stagecoach Stop.
Original homestead structure, later used as the cookhouse, circa 1858.
Huebner-Onion Homestead
SUNSHINE Route: From Northwest Little League, the route goes out onto Poss Rd. and then TURNS LEFT onto Cherryleaf St. Follow the route through the Grass Valley neighborhood, and then TURN RIGHT onto Evers Rd.
Run downhill to the Leon Valley Library at Alley Kinman. TURN LEFT and follow the route around the Leon Valley Community Center and Conference Center.
TURN RIGHT onto Evers and THEN CROSS EVERS TO ENTER Raymond Rimkus Park.
Follow the paved path TO THE RIGHT and go around the outer perimeter of the park until you reach the Community Garden. Continue on out of the park at Forest Meadow where the Jefferson Bank water station will be located.
TURN LEFT onto Sunlight and run around the Sun Valley neighborhood. GO BACK INTO THE PARK at Forest Meadow, and TURN LEFT onto the GRAVEL PATH toward Natural Area park. Follow the gravel path around past the playground and picnic tables, and then TURN LEFT to EXIT THE PARK, and immediately TURN RIGHT to follow the paved road to Poss Rd.
TURN LEFT onto Poss, and follow the road back to the Northwest Little League and the finish line.